I stumbled across a photo of a beautiful poinsetta this morning and decided while I was waiting to get the next assignment, I would try my hand at making one. I made one several years ago while messing around with the SNL at DSP, but it had many imperfections. This one does too, but even if I do say so myself, looks pretty darn good!
I am not known for giving anything away on my blog BUT....if you would like to pick up this poinsetta to use in your Christmas Layouts...
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It's just WONDERFUL Carla. I love it. It's totally professional quality!
I love your Gorgeous Poinsettia Carla, absolutely stunning work!
This is gorgeous Carla! Keep up the good work my dear friend!!!
I think your poinsettia looks beautiful. Thank you for sharing with me.
Your pointsettia is awesome! Thank you for sharing and congrats on moving on in the contest!
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