Wednesday, December 31, 2008
First Freebie of the New Year!!!
New at Scraphead!!
New today in my store at Scraphead is this Valentine Page Kit that is perfect for all of your layouts of love and romance, even of your funny Valentines! Pick it up today for only $3.00!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Happy New Year and a freebie!
Thank you all so very much for EVERYTHING that you do for me and for others. I hope that all of you will continue to be the wonderful inspirations that you are and will find happiness and good fortune during 2009 and beyond! HUGE digital HUGS!
And now....the long awaited for FREEBIE! This is the page kit that I made for Round 4 of the Designer Finder Competition. I wasn't going to put it up for grabs but so many people have e-mailed me asking about it that I decided to give it you for the New Year!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Fun!
Greg(Son) and Alana
Taylor and Wall-E
and Christopher(my Nephew) on his new John Deer Tractor!
Now, there is a story behind this photo! I asked Christopher if I could take a photo of him and he said, "No! No picture!" So, then I asked him if I could take a picture of his new tractor and he said, "Sure!". SO...This is not a photo of is a photo of his tractor! HA! Kids are so funny sometimes!
It's not the end.....
But it's not the end! It's the beginning of a whole new year! I hope that everyone has a wonderful beginning to this new year and that the wonderful continues on throughout!
To honor the END of 2008, I have this little freebie for you! I do hope that this is something that you will enjoy and use!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Winter Frost AOP Freebie!
Now...I promised that I would post the Add-on pack to Winter Frost and I try to never go back on a promise if it is at all possible. Here, you will find three more papers, a beautiful flower with glittering frosty leaves, a beautiful silver frame and photo prong, a frosty snowflake ribbon and a gorgeous embellished tag. I hope that you enjoy this wonderful add on to my Winter Frost Page kit. Once again, I would love to see any pages that you complete with the kit and I welcome your comments!
Please have a Safe and Happy New Year! I am looking forward to 2009 and new adventures!
This kit is created in 200 ppi!!!
This download link has expired! Thank you for your continued support!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A FREEBIE while we wait!
If you like the page corners and you would like to pick up the whole kit, you may do so HERE!
Thank You very much Ms Kimmi for making this little freebie for me to give away on the ole' blog! If you would like to check out Kimmi's designs, just click the link to "The Royal Court" over on the left!
This download link has expired!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Winter Frost Freebie!!
WOW! I am just full of freebies this week! Call it the Christmas Spirit or just the Season of Giving! This is a new one that you will not find in any store! Winter Frost is perfect for all of your winter fun photos. I will be posting an add on to this one sometime later in the week!
This download link has expired! Thanks! I would love to see any layouts that you create with this little kit and your comments are always welcome! This kit is created in 200 ppi!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
here is a FREEBIE for you!
I just don't get it.....
Anyway, here is another layout that I made with my round 5 page kit! I haven't had ANY problems making layouts with any of the kits I designed! OH...and just in case anyone is wondering...I did not use any other designers designs or CU products. Everything is my own (even down to what I actually made with my new Wacom tablet) and I am VERY proud of that too!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
This is that time of the year!
Well, at any rate, I have been trying to get some layouts completed with some of the Awesome kits that I purchased over at DSP! Why purchase someone else's kits when I can make my own? Because sometimes you just see something that someone else created that you just gotta this awesome kit called "Jingle all the Way" by Erica Belton. You can pick it up here at DSP: Jingle all the Way
This is my Grand-Daughter the first time she ever went to visit Santa, several years ago. She really was cautious about getting in his lap and to get the photo, Santa gave her a big tickle! Photo turned out perfect and now she isn't afraid! Now, I just have to figure out how to get Taylor to sit in his lap for a photo!
Monday, December 15, 2008
A Special Memory
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Anyway, once again, we were given a color pallette and the assignment was to create a trendy kit. Then we were to create an element pack to go along with the kit. Here is my entry! We will find out sometime after the 16th whether or not we have been chosen to go forward. In the meantime, I am on pins and needles!
I just realized that my bestest friend has a kit NAMED the same! Well, Kimmie, I promise it was not intentional that I named this kit the same as yours! Actually, "Oh My Stars" is the first thing that came out of my mouth when I saw the's what it turned out to be!
If you would like to check out all of Kimmi's AWESOME designs, you can do so at SBE, here:
I promise that you will not be disappointed!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Round 4 Continued!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
On to round 4
I have to stop and give kudos to everyone that entered the contest. Some of the gals that did not make it to round 4 really did an excellent job with what they created and I was surprised that a few of them were eliminated. Heh! I'm a little surprised that I made it to round 4!
Next, I create a HERITAGE kit. Didn't I hear somewhere that heritage is anything older than 20 years? It's kind of hard to believe that the 70's and 80's are considered heritage!! Hmmm...but that does give one some food for thought! Actually, I guess if you could consider Willow a nice heritage kit as well.
Well, I am open to suggestions. Heritage is NOT one of my strong points when it comes to creating a kit and this round MIGHT have eliminations. Guess I better get cracking! Deadline is December 4th and Thanksgiving is coming up. Do you really think it is going to take me two weeks to come up with a heritage kit? Well......maybe!!
Until next time!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A Pretty Poinsetta!
I am not known for giving anything away on my blog BUT....if you would like to pick up this poinsetta to use in your Christmas Layouts...This link has expired !
Friday, November 21, 2008
Designer Finder Contest - Round 3!!
This week we were to make the elements to go with the papers from last week to make up the kit.I will update as soon as I find out who is going on to round 4!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Newest Kit at Scraphead!!
Designer Finder Contest - Round 2B
I am not sure what comes next at this point, but I do know that the next round is an elimination round and that has me a little shaky! But, onward I go and whatever happens is what is meant to be!
Desinger Finder Contest - Round 2!
Ok, so here we are at Round two - PART A. Create a layout with the kit you just made. Well, that's not hard at all...lets just hope that I have made my kit in such a way that everything goes with everything else and is actually a usable kit. I mean, the kit isn't any good if you can't make a layout with it! Right?
Here's mine!
This child is one of the most precious people that God could have given to me. She is my everyday SUNSHINE! The Journaling on this layout is oh so true....she is not just my guardian of confidences, she is my guardian angel as well. I would like to think that I might be hers too!
Designer Finder Contest!
Well, can you believe my surprise when I found out that DSP was having the first ever Designer Finder Contest! WOW! There was no way that I could pass up this opportunity to see if I could actually design beside some of the most elite designers in the industry! So, here I am, pulling my hair out!! LOL!! Well, it's not quite that bad...yet!
Round one... Create a kit....OK, simple enough! Create a kit without using actions and CU items of anykind.....HEH...not so simple! But here it is!
This kit is dedicated to a wonderful person whom I am very proud to call my best friend, Kimberly Stewart. You can find Kimmi's designs at SBE!
If you would like to follow along and see what some of these awesome gals are creating, you can do so here:
Sunday, November 09, 2008
New in the store at SCRAPHEAD
Just in time for all of those wonderful Christmas Layouts and CRAFTS...Christmas Mouse is my newest kit to hit the store! Join Tiny and his friends as they count down the days until the magic of Christmas morning. Christmas Mouse is filled with fun, whimsical mice, candy, cookies, ribbons and bow and is just bursting to help you create fun and cheery Christmas Layouts! Introductory priced at just $3.00 until November 30th. Only at Scraphead!
Season of Change
Everything changes and, my friends, I have come to a point where lots of things are changing for me. I will no longer be designing at 3Scrapateers. This change became effective on Saturday, November 8, 2008. There are allot of things that brought about this change but mainly, I decided that it was time for me to move on.
I have signed on to Design for "Scraphead" and will have my store open there in the very near future. You are all invited to meet with me on the boards there, if you so desire, at . I am excited to continue to work with Michelle Powell, Sandra Covert, and Rachael Bullion and am looking forward to getting to know all of the other wonderful Designers that create for Scraphead. So, the question is.....Are you a Scraphead?
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Get on over to DSP (Digital Scrpabook Place) and vote for CAKE or PIE for the holidays! I am supporting CAKE! Find all of the details here:
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Hubby Bear!
No Farewells for now!!!
Keep your eyes open for announcements here and in the 3Scrapateers Forum!!!
In the meantime, make sure that you mark your calenders and come to the "Not so Farewell" chat that Kimmi and I will have on October 30th in the 3S Chat room. The fun starts to 10:00 PM EST sharp!
OH, make sure that you bring your "TRICK OR TREAT" Bags! I promise you will get more treats than tricks at this one!
60% off Customer Appreciatin Sale!
Thank You to all of our members! You are the reason that we do what we do!
The link to the store is HERE
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
3Scrapateers Farewell Chat!!
In lieu of the normal Half N Half chat on Thursday, October 30th, we will have a chat in the chat room for everyone that would like to join us and say Farewell. Start time will be at the normal 10:00PM EST.
So come chat with us for one last time and get a few freebies just for showing up!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Happy Birthday 3Scrapateers!!!
If your hungry for inspiraton you can wet your appetite in "The Dining Car". You will find all kinds of fun Challenges there to get your creative juices flowing. Don't forget to carry all of your Blog goodies with you!
Or if you would just like to CHAT with other scrappers and have a fun time, Check out "The Chat Staition". We will have lots of Chats going on all through the week and you won't want to miss them!
Don't forget to check out the rest of the great things we have to offer in the 3S forum too! I hear that our very own FREEBIE FAIRY, FERNELDA is visiting this week! You might find something extra special!
Thank You for riding on the 3S Blog Train! We hope that you have enjoyed your ride and that you will continue to enjoy the gifts that you have received along the way! OH...BTW ...Here is another one!
Freebie Gallery at 3Scrapateers! You must be a registered member to download!
Freebie Gallery
Click the link below to return to the 3Scrapateers Birthday Forum!
Happy 4th Birthday 3Scrapateers!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Fathers Day, Dad! I am looking forward to the hug!
Monday, June 09, 2008
Special Chat at 3Scrapateers
is also a fund raiser for our very dear friend and design team member Kerri Horton,
whose husband passed away at the beginning of May.
She has 3 wonderful, handsome, charming and energetic boys at home to take care of.
All proceeds from the sale of "My 3 Sons" will be donated to Kerri during this time of need.
** Monday, June 9th at 1:30pm EST **
** Monday, June 9th at 9pm EST **
@ 3Scrapateers chat room
Both chats will be the same.
The My 3 Sons items will be in the store late Sunday evening or Monday.
You can't go wrong with this HUGE 597 MB mega kit created
to celebrate the all of the boys, guys & men in our lives!
* 18 Word art * 2 Tag ties * 8 Tags * 5 Swirls & Flourishes * 14 Frames * 2 Film strips *
* 3 Fabric labels * 8 Ric Rac * 4 Flowers * 5 Rivets with words * 14 Fasteners * 10 Journal mats *
* 4 Journal strips * 13 Vignettes * 1 Pocket * 8 Word pebbles * 1 Torn paper bag * 1 Zipper *
* 4 Slide mounts * 2 Leather belts * 4 Foiled stars * 7 Buttons * 8 Paint swipes * 7 Leather labels *
* 2 Library pockets * 6 Stitching * 14 Misc elements *
* 1 Full Alpha Set (upper & lower case, numbers and symbols) *
16 – 4x6 inch brag book pages *
* 1 “Daddy” Album * 1 Accordion Album * 5 Cards * 1 Card Box *
* 2 Clock Faces (1 with word art & 1 without) * 1 Pillow Box * 2 Popcorn Boxes *
* 1 - 3x3 inch Album for 3 inch Board Books * 6 Bookmarkers *
* 5 - 8 ½ x 11 inch Scraplets * 19 - 12x12 inch Scraplets *
Special thanks to the contributing team members:
Amanda Dunn, Amy Lindsay, Bannerwoman, Bonnie Beechler, Carla Ware, Carole Nordyke, Deanna Patterson,
DeDe Smith, Gail Cook, Laurie Ann Phinney, Heather Johnson, Ilona Havenaar, Jill Dohoho,
Karen Halgren, Kimberly Stewart, Lisa Majewski, Linda Walton, Monna Lainson, Neissa Byers, Pat Hardy, Stacey Kluczny
Can’t see the graphics? Click here:
We hope to see you there!!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
I feel so helpless!
I am sitting here thinking that there must be something that I can do but I know that there is not. I am faced with the loss of someone very near and dear to my heart. Someone I love beyond words. Someone who did nothing but spread sunshine and love where ever she went. My brothers only daughter was much like a daughter to me and now she is gone. My heart hurts so badly and all I have done today is cry. My brother is so hurt and sad and it has only just begun.
I am trying to find comfort in my faith and the knowledge that she was a Christian. She believed in God and loved Jesus with all of her heart. I know that she is with him.
Her husband is making arrangements to bring her home so that she can be laid to rest near her family. I have given him the two extra plots that I have at the gardens. At least that is taken care of for him.
Please, if you are reading this, say a prayer for comfort and strength. Not for me, but for her husband, her son and for her mother and father.
Rest in peace, Princess and know that Aunt Carla will love you always.